Photo: Alexandra Laguna
Dear music lovers,
we are delighted to once again welcome the trio “La Réjouissance” to the Musikstudio, who last sweetened our afternoon with their wonderful sounds in the midst of the corona pandemic 2021 despite the adverse circumstances. Today, the musicians Mariya Miliutsina (transverse flute), Ilona Les (violoncello / viola da gamba) and Natalia Lentas (fortepiano / harpsichord) present us with a programme centred around the Bach family, for which they write the following:
The programme focuses on the music of the great father – Johann Sebastian Bach – and his three sons Carl Philipp Emanuel, Wilhelm Friedemann and Johann Christian.
Despite their family ties, each of them is characterised by a unique musical style. The characters of the famous sons could not be more different: Carl Philipp Emanuel is described as the sensitive visionary, Wilhelm Friedemann as the ingenious loner and finally the youngest Johann Christian as the gallant star.
They undoubtedly inherited their talent from their brilliant father and, thanks to him, wrote a great musical history. Even if the father’s music remains timeless, he could certainly be proud of his offspring.
– La Réjouissance
More information about the trio can be found below.
Saturday, 30 November 2024
17:00 h
Musikstudio & Galerie: Gabriele Paqué
Blücherstraße 14
53115 Bonn
Admission: 30,- €
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Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
Sonata for transverse flute and harpsichord obbligato in B minor
BWV 1030 B minor
Andante – Largo e dolce – Presto
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714 – 1788)
Sonata for transverse flute and basso continuo in E minor H.551
Adagio – Allegro – Minuetto
Wilhelm Friedemann Bach (1710 – 1784)
Sonata for flute and basso continuo in E minor BR-WFB B 17
Allegro ma non tanto – Siciliano – Vivace
Johann Christian Bach (1735 – 1782)
Trio Sonata for transverse flute, cello and harpsichord in A major
op.2 no.5 W.B47B
Vivace – Tempo di Minuetto
Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach (1714 – 1788)
Sonata for transverse flute and harpsichord obbligato in G minor BWV 1020 in G minor
Allegro – Adagio – Allegro
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 – 1750)
Sonata for transverse flute and basso continuo in E minor BWV 1034 E minor
Adagio ma non tanto – Allegro – Andante – Allegro
Trio La Réjouissance
The ensemble “La Réjouissance” was founded in June 2018 by students of the Cologne University of Music and Dance. The name of the ensemble comes from the 18th century French folk dance “Réjouissance”, which is occasionally performed as part of a suite and can be translated as “joy”. The core instrumentation consists of transverse flute, viola da gamba/baroque violoncello and harpsichord/hammer grand piano, although the ensemble also enjoys exploring other tonal colours and instrument combinations. Since July 2019, the La Réjouissance trio has received a scholarship from the Werner Richard – Dr Carl Dörken Foundation. The repertoire includes the high and late baroque as well as the sensitive style and the pre-classical period. From January to March 2022, the ensemble performed in the “Best of NRW” concert series. In April 2022, the ensemble won 1st prize in the Early Music Promotion Prize at the TAMIS Festival in Saarbrücken, Germany. In March 2023, the ensemble released its first CD entitled “La Réjouissance Galante”, which contains repertoire from the high baroque and gallant style.
Mariya Miliutsina (transverse flute)
Mariya Miliutsina, born in Vitebsk (Belarus), has been invited as a soloist and chamber musician to festivals such as Oude Muziek Festival Utrecht, Knechtsteden Early Music Festival, Festiwal Muzyki Klasycznej w Solcu nad Wisłą, ‘Moscow picks up the friends’ by Vladimir Spivakov and others, and has performed in concert halls such as Beethoven Haus Bonn, Schloss Benrath Düsseldorf, Tchaikovsky Concert Hall Moscow.
Mariya Miliutsina, an experienced chamber musician, is held in high esteem far beyond the Cologne area. She has also performed with other musicians in various chamber music ensembles. In the meantime, she has been invited to perform as a transverse flutist with historically-informed performance practice orchestras such as the Barockorchester Mainz, Collegium Cartusianum, Main-Barockorchester Frankfurt, Rheinische Kantorei and Kölner Akademie. She has played under the direction of conductors such as Peter Neumann, Hermann Max, Ralf Otto and others.
Mariya Miliutsina completed her training in transverse flute at the Cologne University of Music and Dance with Prof Leonard Schelb.
Ilona Les (violoncello / viola da gamba)
The Belarusian multi-instrumentalist Ilona Les comes from a musical family. Her love and interest in baroque music brought her to Germany in 2017, where she completed her master’s degree in baroque cello with Prof. Kristin von der Goltz at the University of Music and Performing Arts in Frankfurt am Main in 2020. Since 2020, she has continued her studies in viola da gamba and historical double bass with Heidi Gröger and Dane Roberts. On her musical journey, Ilona dedicates herself to a variety of genres and styles and plays as a freelance artist with various ensembles, such as the Main-Barockorchester Frankfurt, Neue Philharmonie Frankfurt, Harmonie Universelle and others. She has taken part in various festivals and masterclasses such as Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Hori Musik Tage, Die Ensemble-Akademie Freiburg. In 2022 she co-founded the ensemble Il Varco. For her own solo project “Festival der Melancholie”, Ilona received the “Neustart Kultur” scholarship from the German Music Council in 2022. She is also a passionate teacher and teaches cello in Seligenstadt and Frankfurt.
Natalia Lentas (fortepiano / harpsichord)
Natalia Lentas was born in Poland. She studied piano at the Karol Lipiński Academy of Music in Wrocław and at the Cologne University of Music and Dance with Prof Jacob Leuschner. After successfully completing her master’s degree, she continued her musical education in the Early Music programme and completed her concert exam in fortepiano with Prof. Gerald Hambitzer at the University of Music and Dance in Cologne with distinction. She also completed her masterclass studies in the class of Prof. Christine Schornsheim at the University of Music and Theatre in Munich and obtained a chamber music degree in duo with Prof. Michael Borgstede and Prof. Gerald Hambitzer. In 2022, she also completed her harpsichord studies at the University of the Arts in Essen with Prof Christian Rieger.
In 2018, she was honoured with the Förderpreis für Musik der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf. She has also won 1st prize in fortepiano competitions such as the 2017 Kulturkreis Gasteig Music Prize Competition, the International Competition for the Gebrüder Graun Prize, the International Fritz Neumeyer Competition for Fortepiano in Bad Krozingen and the International Geelvinck Fortepiano Concours in Amsterdam. From 2019 to 2021, she was a lecturer for fortepiano accompaniment at the Cologne University of Music and Dance.
We’re looking forward to your visit!
Gabriele Paqué
Note on parking!
Parking spots in Bonn-Poppelsdorf, about a 10 minutes walk from the Blücherstraße!
The gallery is open on Saturdays from 2 – 6 pm.
By appointment, the exhibition can also be visited at other times.
Blücherstr. 14, 53115 Bonn
Telefon: 0228-41076755